Supporting Local Charities in Tough Times

(A Not For Profit Website)

About Us

If you're having trouble sleeping, this page is for you...

The Goal: A search directory where everybody benefits.

We do this by bringing together people and companies that both care about their community.

The searcher finds a company they can trust, the company gets a customer who shares their values.

Then we give all the profits to the charities they choose.

We are a not for profit company. is part of DF Giving Back Community interest Company. (Reg no. 15742607). The CIC regulator ensures we operate for the benefit of the community.

We chose to be registered as the most financially restrictive and least flexible of CIC’s – ‘Schedule 1’.

This means…

ALL Profits can only legally be distributed to other charities and not for profit companies.

We are formed by guarantee, rather than shares. That means neither Directors nor anyone else can take profits through share dividends.

No directors take a salary from DF Giving Back. 

You can be certain of this. Legislation ensures all director salaries are disclosed publically at Companies House. This can be downloaded by anyone.

…and it won’t ever change.

DF Giving Back isn’t allowed to suddenly become a ‘for profit’ company. Even if it closes down, all assets – including cash – must go to other charities or not for profit companies. Again, this is ensured by government legislation.

A Few Words From Our Directors...

After 12 years, I had to stop doing the job I loved because I developed a work-based injury. I found out first-hand just how difficult it was to find a fulfilling job with a disability.

I wasn't alone. I realised I was one of many hundreds of thousands. After getting over the disappointment, I became determined to see if there was anything I could do about it.

One of the things I did was to speak to a lot of charities. I wanted to get their opinions on what should be done.

The more charities I spoke to, the more concerned I became.

Whilst we would always start talking about how to help people with disabilities find employment, time and time again, the conversation would drift to the desperate lack of funds. I started to get concerned about the future of a lot of charities. Just when it looked like people were going to need charities most, they simply wouldn't be able to help. Or worse, they might even be gone.

That's when I started to keep an eye open for any projects that could help generate funds for charity. One day I read about the profits made by online directories and I thought, what if.....?

Pete Farrell

During my career, I built and subsequently sold what was  - at the time - the biggest specialist recruiter in its market.

This meant working with the vast majority of the FTSE 100 and almost all of the leading professional services firms. I met and dealt with people from all elements of society.

Except one.

I didn't meet a single person with disabilities. (Actually, I probably did, but they were part of the ‘hiding’ disabled - a concept I only found out about much later.)

The strange thing is, I can honestly say I didn't even notice. Looking back, I find that shocking. An obvious imbalance of opportunity all around me and I didn't even notice.

I wanted to put that right, so I started on my journey with Pete.

The funny thing is,  once you eyes are opened, you see more!

It soon became painfully clear. Charities - especially smaller charities - needed help.

In fact, if  someone didn't help them now,  a lot of them won't be around to help anybody else.  was something we at least had to try.

Richard Eaton

Register (If you want!)

You don't have to - you can still use the directory.

But, if you do register, you can choose which charity you want to benefit from your searches. (As well as a few other advantages.)

Together, we can make a huge difference to Charities

But we need you to make it work

Without searchers, advertisers won't advertise.

Without advertisers, searchers won't search.