Supporting Local Charities in Tough Times

(A Not For Profit Website)

Local charities desperately need you.

Helping them, helps you Get Better Leads.Make Sales Easier.

At only £59 per month,
you can't lose

you won’t find a marketing company able to project your company in the same great image and generate leads. (And this way, ALL PROFITS GO TO CHARITIES IN YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY)

Help Charities and make 'sales' easier!

What's The Idea?

Even Google Admits Internet advertising is getting harder. Their leads are getting more expensive and more of them go nowhere.

Whilst we make your sales easier, you help charities. (See ‘How everybody wins.‘)
Googles own statistics say it…
Companies are being charged more per click and on top of that, searchers are clicking on more links before they get in touch. Then, when they finally make contact, they are often more suspicious than ever before.
This means more expensive leads and more of them go nowhere.
One of the main reasons is a lack of trust. It’s almost impossible to inspire trust in an advert or a website. One of the most effective ways to show your integrity is by demonstrating – and proving – your commitment to good causes. We help you do this both on our website and in the real world. (We’ll also throw in some leads for good measure!) We think it’s a win-win. You get better sales results and charities get the funding they desperately need. If you need any more information, please get in touch.

How exactly do we do it?

Make SALES easier

It’s great to help charities, but you’re a business and you need to make money. This is the first way we can help…

  • Potential customers that already ‘like’ you. Even if it’s not ‘their’ charity, they will respect a company looking after their local community. Especially if that community is also their community.
  • Keep your sales team happy! If potential customers trust you, you can ditch those selling techniques no-one likes (including your own sales staff!) Whilst your competitors struggle to convince potential clients, you can concentrate on giving great service.
  • Easier ‘off-website’ sales. You can use our logo and tagline on your own website and in your own materials. Everybody will see and be assured by your integrity and commitment to your local community.
It's Not Just About 'Charity'

Customers don't know who to choose, so companies are wasting money on advertising that goes nowhere. 

Keep existing companies happy - and your staff!

Attracting good quality local staff can be almost as hard as generating new sales!

Advertise your genorisity on YOUR website AND EMAILS.

Inspire trust and credibility with EVERYBODY who visits your website or receives an email.


Better Leads

It’s great to help charities, but you’re a business and you need to make money. This is the first way we can help…

  • Potential customers that already ‘like’ you. Even if it’s not ‘their’ charity, they will respect a company looking after their local community. Especially if that community is also their community.
  • Keep your sales team happy! If potential customers trust you, you can ditch those selling techniques no-one likes (including your own sales staff!) Whilst your competitors struggle to convince potential clients, you can concentrate on giving great service.
  • Easier ‘off-website’ sales. You can use our logo and tagline on your own website and in your own materials. Everybody will see and be assured by your integrity and commitment to your local community.

Even easier 'sales' for the first companies that help.


We can make a huge difference to charities. We think those that are first to ‘step up’, should be rewarded with a little extra.

  • Even Easier Sales. People will see your badge and be extra-assured of your integrity. You were the ones that made all this happen.
  • Want the most valuable leads? When using our quote system, you will be at the head of the queue when we get your ideal lead.
  • Increase sales from your marketing. Extra mailings to our supporters ensure your marketing campaigns have the best possible chance of success.

Maximise your sales with minimum effort!

easy to set up

only Ten Minutes

We know time is short, so we’ve made the process as streamlined as possible.

  • It really does only take ten minutes! If your listing takes any longer to set up, give us a call. We’re here to help you.
  • Completely automated. You can accept or reject quote requests with just one click.
  • Make changes instantly. Get ahead of your competition. You can make special offers, change your sales targets or refocus your marketing in moments.
Charities are being hit twice

Like many of us, charities are still struggling with the after-effects of inflation. On top of increasing costs, smaller and local charities are receiving almost 20% less in contributions.

On top of this, councils up and down the country are drastically cutting their support to charities. Once again, this is falling mostly on smaller and local charities.

Without extra help, just when people really need them - maybe even for the first time ever - many local and smaller charities will no longer be there.

What's Our Share? Nothing.

All Profits Go To Charities

We will always be a non-profit organisation, so ALL profits will go to charities. You can read more about us here. The share each charity gets depends on how many organise supports them and the the activity of it's supporters (How many searches they make and quotes they ask for.)

For many charities, especially smaller and local charities we're getting to the point where they have to close their doors.

Hopefully, together, we can provide a helping hand at a time when local charities desperately need it.

Make Sales Easier Cheaper Better

All whilst helping your favourite charity

reach 'nicer' clients and overcome the hardest obstacle to selling, all at a cheaper price.

Register Your Organisation

Your password must have at least 8 characters, with at least one number, one lowercase and one uppercase character.

Please spread the word. It's the best way to increase funding for charites. Thank You!